
KEDARS PRODUCT Natural Stevia Powder, A natural alternative for sugars/sweets 100Gram

Original price was: ₹333.34.Current price is: ₹238.10.


  • Stevia Rebaudiana, more commonly referred to as Stevia is a naturally occurring plant based sweetener and sugar substitute.
  • The active compounds present in Stevia contain nearly 200 times the sweetness of sugar and are heat and pH stable as well as not fermentable.
  • Stevia based sweeteners have zero or minimal calories. Stevia is also packed with vitamins A, B and C as well as minerals such as zinc and calcium.

Being zero caloric, Stevia proves to be one of the healthiest alternatives for sugar in every way, it can be used to cook, bake or just as is.

Health and Wellness Uses:

Diabetes Management:

Use as a sugar substitute to help manage blood sugar levels, as stevia does not cause spikes in blood glucose.

Weight Management:

Replace sugar with stevia to reduce calorie intake and support weight loss or maintenance goals.

Dental Health:

Unlike sugar, stevia does not contribute to tooth decay and can be used to sweeten foods and drinks without harming dental health.

Antioxidant Benefits:

Contains antioxidant compounds that can help protect the body from oxidative stress and support overall health.


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SKU: kedar stp1 Categories: ,

Direction for use :

  • Add a spoon or 1/4 of spoon of Kedars Product stevia powder in your tea/ sweet dishes , adjust the quantity of stevia powder according to your sweetness.

Note : First try stevia powder in a hot cup of water, adjust the quantity of powder according your sweet taste.

Weight 100 g


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